Thursday, 30 May 2013

The Fundraising Continues

The last few months have been extremely busy for the hall and the fundraising has continued with many generous donations coming in. So much so that at the beginning of April we has just climbed past £21,000! This has been a fantastic achievement for all concerned and we very much appreciate all the hard work put in by the volunteers who give their time.

However, even better news than this is that as of May 1st, we are now almost at our first goal of £25,000 with 95% of the target raised! Once this amount is reached we are able to apply to larger funding bodies in order to help achieve the larger total of £125,000.

Finally, once this target is realised we can begin refurbishing our beloved hall so that it can continue to service the community for many years to come.

Additionally, the Annual General Meeting of Padworth Village Hall toke place on Tuesday 28th May, 2013. The meeting minutes will be available shortly.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Fundraising so far

This update was originally posted in October 2012 on our old site on the fundraising efforts so far.

Padworth Village Hall Refurbishment Project - Update
We are pleased to say that the figure in our flyer is already out of date and the current figure is £8,500 and this increases to £9,500 with Gift Aid. We are already a third of the way to our initial target! Thank you for your support,
     - Padworth Village Hall Committee

Padworth Village Hall Refurbishment Project
We are currently fund raising £125,000 to refurbish our main hall.

Our aim is to raise £125,000 in total but our immediate goal is to reach our first target of £25,000. With this sum reached we are able to approach a number of grant giving bodies in order to further our fund raising efforts.

The leaflet linked below shows we have already raised £4000 towards this initial figure and we hope with community support we can reach our target in 2013.

There are a number of ways in which you can help do this, one of which is a monthly donation. By doing this over a fixed period of time you can guarantee exactly how much you donate, simply making it easy to do monthly. If you would prefer to donate in a lump sum, this is of course also perfectly fine!

With only 68 people we can achieve our target if each one gives £5/month for 36 months with the help of Gift Aid. Alternately £10/month would require only 34 people and so on.

The area around Padworth has roughly 1000 residents whom we hope all benefit from the hall and its facilities. More than twice the amount we need was raised a couple of years ago for the fund to fight the waste site in Padworth, hopefully this positive action for our community can achieve the same level of support.

If you would like to donate, a standing order mandate form can be found here: Standing Order Mandate
A flyer detailing our efforts and plan is available here: Refurbishment Flyer (PDF)

The table below shows a number of these options which people have taken up.

Monthly SumTotal over 3 yearsTotal with gift aidNumbers of new donors needed

All New Wesbite

Welcome to the new Padworth Village Hall Website!

We hope to bring you much more regular updates with this new site thanks to a ground up redesign on a new platform. This site will also allow us to update everyone with events happening at the hall in aid of our Refurbishment Project to keep the hall a part of the community well into the future.

Details about the hall can be found to the right of this post and will be updated with new images of the improvements we've made over the last two years.

We hope you all enjoy the hall for years to come and keep checking back to see what we are doing and to book your own event in the future.
